Annette Wiley
Sharing the message of hope.

Hi, nice to meet you!

Annette’s adult life began in Orlando, Florida, where she married her high school sweetheart. Her husband joined the United States Air Force four months after their wedding, and the Wiley family story took flight. While in the military, they raised three sons and enjoyed the opportunities to explore living in different cities and Germany. Their final assignment was Dayton, Ohio, where Annette’s husband retired from the military. Tired of cold winters and gloomy weather, they headed South, ending up in the city where it all began for her—Charleston, South Carolina. She still loves to drive the familiar roads that take her past the places that are part of the fabric of her childhood. Rich in history and culture, Annette enjoys
exploring her native Lowcountry.

Writing reflections grew out of Annette’s love for journaling. Through her ministry as a retreat team leader, she has shared her reflections with hundreds of women. As Annette discerned her writing path, God invited her to walk in some new shoes, writing Christian fiction. Some days, she admits the shoes feel awkward, but God reassures her to keep walking in them. Annette’s goal in her writing is to offer inspiring fiction and share the message of hope. Annette’s story, “Following His Plans,” in the Charleston Light anthology, is her debut in fiction publication. Currently, Annette is writing a Biblical novel and a book of Scripture reflections for individuals or study groups.

One of Annette’s hobbies is satisfying her legendary sweet tooth. If you see a “Hot Now” sign shining brightly at a Krispy Kreme in Charleston, you may just find her there. While traveling to visit family or exploring new destinations, you can bet she will try delectables from local bakeries. If you have favorite bakeries, she would love for you to email her about them!

“Finally, beloved, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is pleasing, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence and if anything is worthy of praise, think about these things.” Philippians 4:8 NRSVCE.